The Los Angeles Times reported that the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California agreed to pay a $100,000 settlement to a former guest who said they were bitten by bedbugs during their stay. The guest noticed that their room had bedbugs during their stay and reported them to hotel management who may have received complaints about the same matter before. The complaint stated that the guest was exposed to “slum-type conditions” that resulted in “financial loss, personal injury and emotional distress” as they suffered “numerous bites” that caused pain, anxiety, distress, loss of sleep, and humiliation. The complaint also accuses the hotel staff of failing to fix the problem immediately after the guest notified them about it.
Legal Takeaway: document/record in writing any wrongdoing that you feel has been committed.
Los Angeles Times informó que el Disneyland Hotel en Anaheim, California, acordó pagar un cuerdo de $100,000 a un invitado que dijo que fue picado por chinches durante su estadía. El invitado notó que su habitación tenía chinches durante su estadía y los informó a la gerencia del hotel, quienes pueden haber recibido quejas sobre el mismo asunto anteriormente. La denuncia indicaba que el invitado estuvo expuesto a "condiciones de tugurio" que resultaron en "pérdidas financieras, lesiones personales y angustia emocional" ya que sufrieron "numerosas mordidas" que causaron dolor, ansiedad, angustia, pérdida de sueño y humillación. La denuncia también acusa al personal del hotel de no solucionar el problema inmediatamente después de que el invitado les notificó al respecto.
Conclusión Legal: documente/registre por escrito cualquier mal que crea que se ha cometido.